Register For FREE One-day Workshop 

Open to All Women !

No Computer Experience or Highest Degrees Required !

It’s perfect if you’re starting fresh, changing careers, or aiming for growth.

This workshop is all about Introducing you to Internet opportunities and guiding you on how to learn and get certified for FREE.

Also, we will guide you to find a job with these skills.

Date : 29/09/2023


Starting Time : 10:30 AM

Duration : 4 Hours

Venue : IMA (Internet Marketing Academy)
അക്കിക്കാവ് , കുന്നംകുളം

Don't Miss The Chance








Who can Attend this Free Workshop?

Anyone can join this session. No worries, if you dont have any idea about the subject.

What are the topics we will cover in this session?
  1. How Digital Advertising Works
  2. How you can learn and Get certified for free
  3. How to find a job with it.
  4. How people get money from YouTube, Google, and Facebook.


To Register For The Free Demo Class, Please Fill out The Form Below

Demo class contact form